Holistic Development and Mentoring Abbreviated GRANT APPLICATION

Shade Partnership Fund (SPF) Mission Statement

“In response to Christ's love and His call to empower those in need, we resolve, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to build up the Church through prayer, service and financial assistance.”

Thank you for deciding to apply for support from Shade Partnership Fund. SPF desires to provide financial assistance to organizations that jointly build up the Church while advancing the Church’s mission to empower and provide for those in need. Once an organization is selected, the advisors of SPF will recommend a grant to the organization from the donor-advised fund. All grants are subject to the review and approval of the public charity that sponsors the donor-advised fund.

To be considered for a grant please complete our Grant Application below. At this time SPF only offers 1-year grants. This abbreviated application is for organizations who have previously filled out the full Holistic Development and Mentoring grant application and are re-applying for funding. If any pertinent organizational information has changed since your last application we ask that you use the full grant application.

This application is for organizations and programs that have an emphasis on Holistic Development and Mentoring. We have separate grants focused on Teacher Training, Child Trafficking and Children’s Healthcare.

Application Process Overview

- Our 2019 application season begins on May 1 and ends July 31.

- SPF will notify organizations of decisions by early October and will recommend grants for distribution by October 31.

- Average SPF grant amount in 2018: $8,000

- Total number of grants given in 2018: 4

If you have any questions, please email us at spf.applications@gmail.com.

Note: The word “project” in this application would apply to organizations that are requesting funding to support either a specific, one-off, time-limited event/operation (e.g. a training seminar or course; a short-term trip; a special one-time need) or a specific subset of an organization’s outreach/operations beyond the general donation pool. If this is not applicable to your organization’s request for support, please supply information about your overall work when answering questions about “projects.”

Before you begin filling out this application make sure you have enough time to complete all fields as there is no option to save your work and finish the application at a later time.

In addition to filling out all required fields below, each organization applying for funding is required to email the following document to spf.applications@gmail.com:

1. A copy of the organization’s most recent annual budget.